1959, Mexican Wedding in El Cajon

In 1959 I was asked by neighbors of ours if I’d be flower girl at their daughters wedding. Of course I said yes. The family were Mexicans so it was an interesting event.

Here is how I looked:

Here are a few pictures of the wedding itself. Our church back then was just a roofed patio because the new church wasn’t built yet.

The bridal couple with her parents.

I kept that dress for many years and in 2006 my eldest grand daughter, Tamara, tried it on. That was fun to see. As you can see, it was Christmas time and Tamara spent a few days at my home.

1957, our new home in El Cajon

After a 3 year stay in Cuba, dad got transfered to San Diego. And of course we needed a home. We found one in a city just East of San Diego. Not special, but big (4 bedrooms and a garden). Of course it was quite bare when it was new…..no grass, no plants, nothing.

here are the 3 of us at the back door. 

We soon added a patio….nice shade for getting out of the often very hot Sun.

1976, Regina arrives

winter near our new home in Rodgau-Jügesheim 

              This buggy was so great!!

Carsten really enjoyed his sister.

I’m missing some great photos of him looking at her in her craddle. If I find them I’ll add them here.

Regina being busy in the corridor in front of our apartment.

Christmas 1977

and she got her favorit doll which she kept for many years

me and Michael enjoying the holiday

and Michaels sister, Petra, came to visit.

The stay here at the Offenbach Hospital was soooooo much better then the one in Frankfurt where Carsten was born.